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'Knowledge of Physics is gained by experimentation, observation and deduction'

For any school, Physics lab is always treated as the hub of scientific activities, a plan to inculcate scientific temper and to let the children innovate, relating the discipline of physics with nature and natural phenomena. The Physics lab in our school provides all the desired support systems for formal as well as informal lab activities pertaining to the existing CBSE as well as competitive exams like JEE and AIEEE syllabus.

In keeping with the national and international standards our lab is equipped with the latest apparatus and is updated every year.

Special features of the Physics lab are:

– Reflecting telescope

– Astronomical telescope

– Cathode ray tube

– Photographic machine

– Spectrometer etc.




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Ph. No.: (0788) 2273545 / 2273525 Fax No.: (0788) 2273622